Data for bremsstrahlung double differential cross sections of C and Al atoms by 5-25 keV electron impact
Absolute measurements of the bremsstrahlung double differential cross sections (DDCSs) for photons radiated at 90 degrees generated by the collisions of 5-25 keV electrons and down to 1-2 keV photon energy with two thin targets C (Z=6) and Al (Z=13) have been performed by Ling Li et al. and published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 506 (2021) 15-22. Our experimental scaled DDCSs, which were used to plot Figures 6 and 7 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 506 (2021) 15-22, are given in the following tables: Elements: C and Al Incident electron energies: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 keV The first column: κ, the ratio of the energy of the bremsstrahlung photon to the energy of the incident electron The second column: Sigma-exp, experimental scaled bremsstrahlung double differential cross sections, unit: mb/sr The third column: Uncertainty of Sigma-exp, unit: mb/sr