The Emergence of Moral Alignment Within Human Groups is Facilitated by Interbrain Coupling - Behavioral Analysis

Published: 28 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/96cf2szpcs.1
Aial Sobeh


This file includes the dataset and r-studio code necessary to replicate the behavioral results reported in section 3.1 of the manuscript "The Emergence of Moral Alignment Within Human Groups is Facilitated by Interbrain Coupling".


Steps to reproduce

Unzip. Then run the r-studio code which runs both behavioral analyses. When running the code, change the directory when reading the Excel file. *Note that the code replicates the results, but not the graphs, which are created using JASP software. To replicate graphs, aggregate the observations within each group into one value per condition, then plot the results as a rain plot.


University of Haifa


Psychology, Neural Basis of Social Behavior, Moral Cognition
