Cascading and consecutive disasters
Data, R code, and ArcGIS aprx used in manuscript for Ajibade et al. 2024. Point data on heatwave mortalities not provided in this dataset due to data sharing restrictions in place by the Oregon health organization that shared them with the research group. Instead, the heatwave mortality information included is at the census-tract level and scrubbed of all additional identifying material.
Steps to reproduce
PRISM air temperature and freezing precipitation: data for study period downloaded from Land surface temperature: LST data derived from MODIS land surface temperatures by NCAR team CBO: Data collected by manuscript authors. File showing CBO location included among shared data. Heatwave mortality: Data provided by Oregon health authorities. Raw data are not shared, but data summarized to census tracts is included. R code provided in folder runs all statistical analyses except for geographically-weighted regression (GWR), which was accomplished using the via ArcGIS Pro's GWR function. R working directory and file pathways will have to be rewritten to match user computer architecture. Land cover data provided by the United States Geological Survey via their National Land Cover Database:
National Science Foundation