Aeolian saltation on Titan
This repository includes the following data: - The results of the granular splash simulations for cohesive grains, carried out with the Discrete Element Model PFC3D, for fine and coarse grains (granular_splash_titan_fine_N=50.txt, granular_splash_titan_fine_N=50.txt) - The impact threshold values of grains on Titan, calculated with the model COMSALT for three different values of the particle cohesion coefficient beta (ufrthrimpTitanComSplVSblBeta007rev.txt, ufrthrimpTitanComSplVSblBeta02rev.txt, ufrthrimpTitanComSplVSblBeta05rev.txt) - The mass flux values for grains of different sizes on Titan, calculated with the model COMSALT assuming continuous transport (uRunTitanD100AltTurb.txt, uRunTitanD250AltTurb.txt, uRunTitanD500AltTurb.txt, uRunTitanD1000AltTurb.txt) - The yearly sediment transport rates and directions on Titan calculated with the Titan Atmospheric Model TAM (saltation.TAM.fullphys.hydro.topo.T21.Nov2021.nc4)