Management of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting-Related Obstetric Complications: A Training Evaluation

Published: 27 July 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/97r45by53y.1
Kim Nordmann, ANA BELÉN SUBIRÓN, Mandella King, Thomas Küpper, Guillermo Martinez Perez


This data repository contains the anonymized quantitative data pertaining to the article: "Management of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting-Related Obstetric Complications: A Training Evaluation". Three questionnaires were administered during trainings: 1. Attitudes questionnaire on healthcare workers' attitudes around FGM/C 2. Satisfaction questionnaire concerning the training 3. Identical pre- and post-training knowledge questionnaire evaluating trainees' self-perceived knowledge and skills, as well as knowledge acquisition during the training. The dataset contains a separate excel data sheets for each of the questionnaires and a codebook.



Women's Health, Female Genital Mutilation
