Quantifying a mass mortality event in freshwater wildlife within the Lower Odra River: Data

Published: 5 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/985dh5r9cs.1
Dominik Marchowski,
, Jacek Engel, Ewa Drewniak, Karol Ciężak


• Toxins from Golden Algae resulted in an unprecedented mass mortality of fish, bivalves, and water snails. • In the lower Odra, there were 65 million dead Unionidae bivalves, marking an 88% decrease; the native Anodonta anatina declined by 95%; the invasive Sinanodonta woodiana decreased by 15%. • 147 million water snails were found washed ashore in the lower Odra, representing an 85% decline. • The lower Odra witnessed the death of 3.3 million fish (equivalent to 1,025 tons); across the entire 560 km section of the affected river, the toll was 1,650 tons, indicating a 60% reduction in fish population biomass.


Steps to reproduce

Detailed instructions on how to reproduce these data can be found in the methodological article: Marchowski D., Szlauer-Łukaszewska A. 2023. Methods of quantifying a mass mortality event in freshwater wildlife within the Lower Odra River. MethodsX, in prep.


Polska Akademia Nauk Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii


