Lorentzian Filter Correction of Turbulence Measurements on Oscillating Floating Platforms: Impact on Wind Spectra and Eddy Covariance Fluxes
Published: 24 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/989bhtp9bx.1
Roie EzratyDescription
This data repository complements the Article "Lorentzian Filter Correction of Turbulence Measurements on Oscillating Floating Platforms: Impact on Wind Spectra and Eddy Covariance Fluxes" (MS# 2020WR027583R). Please use ReadMe file The Loretzian filter is a MATLAB code. Raw data was acquired from Eddy Covariance stations and processed through MATLAB using the Lorentzian filter or the code of Ikawa and Oechel et al. (2015) mentioned in the paper to achieve filtered data. Then, the data was processed through the EddyPro software (Licor) to achieve wind spectra, co-spectra and the different fluxes.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Earth Sciences, Signal Processing, Hydrometeorology