Data for: No glory without sacrifice – drivers of climate (in)action in the general population
Data are shared in csv-format and consist of 12 columns and 499 rows (with headings). The first line represents the respective index. The following columns describe the eight independent and three dependent variables of the regression models. “FOP_mean” is the mean index of the statements concerning feelings of powerlessness, “SAC_mean” is the mean index of the statements concerning willingness to sacrifice, “concern_mean” is the mean index of the statements regarding concern. “Knowledge” gives the accuracy scores without guessed answers for the ten climate statements that had to be answered. Gender is binary coded with female (0), male (1), not defined/no answer (NA). “age” is a metric variable, ranging from 18 to 72. “matura” is binary coded: without matura/high school degree (0), with matura/high school degree (1), not defined/no answer (NA). “partiesLR” represents left-wing (0) and right-wing (1) parties, not defined/no answer (NA). “conser_mean”, “social_mean” and “citizen_mean” represent mean indices for the behavior scales “conservation behavior”, “social climate protection” and “climate citizenship”. Data columns not relevant for this analysis were removed. Some variables have been recoded or were calculated from other variables. Further description of the data can be found in the method section of the paper. Data were collected in cooperation with the market research agency Norstat Deutschland GmbH.