Inter-seismic Strain rate and Fault coupling along the central Himalayan Seismic Gap from new GPS data

Published: 3 January 2023| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/98fkhgyn6n.3


The Data_1_HGK_GPSVelocity.rtf shows the new campaign mode GPS velocities established by the Geodesy group, IIG for the duration 2005 – 2016 along with locations. The velocities are provided in the Indian Reference Frame (Ader et al., 2012) and ITRF14 while σ represents uncertainties in the corresponding velocity component. For details of other published velocities, please refer to Table S1. The Data_2_HGK_Seismicity.txt shows the Seismicity event catalogue used in the present study which are represented in figures 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9 in the main article



Indian Institute of Geomagnetism


Global Positioning Systems, Deformation Analysis, Velocity, Earthquake, Himalayas
