Micronuclei Count in Nasal and Buccal Cells of Medical Students exposed to Formaldehyde
Published: 9 June 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/98h58txg9j.1
The data associated is micronuclei count of two cell types. The first set is of 96 test samples and 40 control samples of buccal cells. The second set is of 89 test samples and 39 control samples of nasal cells. The initial collection was 100 test samples of each cell type which got reduced due to investigative and volunteering errors. The cell count was conducted using Tolbert et al. method of micronuclei assay. We processed the data by the Mann-Whitney test, and the p-value of both cell types was analyzed. The test samples were under the exposure of formaldehyde vis-à-vis the control samples which were not exposed to the chemical.
Manipal University Kasturba Medical College Manipal
Biochemistry, Micronucleus