Raw data set for manuscript titled "The Significance of Thermal Conductivity in Theoretical Performance Assessment of MIL-101(Cr) as a Potential Adsorbent in Solar-Powered Integrated Refrigeration Systems" submitted to Applied Thermal Engineering

Published: 7 July 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/98nsgbkk95.3
Muhammad Umar Elahi


This data set contains all the spline coefficients obtained via cubic spline interpolation (in the same order as shared) including: 1. Functional dependence of specific heat capacity of MIL-101(Cr) on adsorption/desorption bed temperature 2. Functional dependence of heat of adsorption of MIL-101(Cr) on adsorption/desorption bed temperature 3. Functional dependence of specific heat capacity of silica-gel on adsorption/desorption bed uptake 4. Functional dependence of heat of adsorption of silica-gel on adsorption/desorption bed uptake 5. Adsorption Isotherm (uptake v.s. relative pressure) of silica-gel 6. Adsorption Isotherm (uptake v.s. relative pressure) of MIL-101(Cr) 7.Desorption Isotherm (uptake v.s. relative pressure) of MIL-101(Cr) 8. Functional dependence of diffusion coefficient of water molecules in LiBr/water solution upon concentration and temperature 9. Functional dependence of specific heat capacity of Aluminum heat exchanger on temperature 10. Functional dependence of specific heat capacity of Copper heat exchanger on temperature 11. Functional dependence of specific heat capacity of water on temperature 12. Functional dependence of specific heat capacity of saturated water vapor on temperature 13. Functional dependence of specific heat capacity of latent heat of vaporization of water on temperature Finally, the entire zipped code for simulation of stand-alone silica-gel/water adsorption chiller has also been shared here with the name: stand_alonesilica_gel_ads_chiller.zip. It runs by first unzipping this file in a folder, opening this folder in MATLAB command window, and typing "adsorption_chiller_test" at the command prompt. After this code runs successfully, it will save a number of .dat files in the folder out of which only two are important namely "Perfor.dat" and "DATA.dat". Perfor.dat consists of the same number of rows as the total number of cycles, its first column represents the COP values for each cycle, while the second and the third one represents the solar COP and SCP values for each cycle, respectively. The "DATA.dat" file has 21 columns and more than 9000,000 rows each of which represents a time-step in simulation. The columns can be represented as follows: 1. adsorption bed temp, 2. desorption bed temp, 3. evaporator temperature, 4. adsorption bed pressure, 5. desorption bed pressure, 6. adsorption bed uptake, 7. desorption bed uptake, 8. hot water storage tank temp, 9. Mass of liquid water in evaporator, 10. refrigeration power, 11. heating power, 12. driving temp, 13. incremental COP values, 14. relative pressure in adsorption bed, 15. relative pressure in desorption bed, 16. chilled water inlet temp, 17. cooling water inlet temp, 18. heating water inlet temp, 19. heating water outlet temp, 20. chilled water outlet temp, 21. cooling water outlet temp


Steps to reproduce

In order to plot the equilibrium water adsorption isotherms for MIL-101(Cr) based on the spline-interpolation model presented in the study, the following stepwise procedure should be followed: 1. Copy the MATLAB subroutine titled "equilibirum_uptake_ads_MIL_101.m" along with the following uploaded files in a single folder: P_P0_ads_70.dat, X_ads_70.dat, coeffs Adsorption Isotherm uptake v.s. relative pressure of MIL-101.dat, diff_X_25_X_70_ads.dat, P_P0_ads_25.dat, P_P0_des_25.dat, X_ads_25.dat 2. Open this folder in MATLAB address bar and type the following commands in command window: x_adsorp_70 = load('P_P0_ads_70.dat'); y = load('X_ads_70.dat'); cs_ads = spline(x_adsorp_70,y); Coeffs_ads = load('coeffs Adsorption Isotherm uptake v.s. relative pressure of MIL-101.dat'); P_P0 = linspace(0.018790850000000,0.953393295000000,10000); x = P_P0; y = load('diff_X_25_X_70_ads.dat'); cs_diff_ads = spline(x,y); x_adsorp = load('P_P0_ads_25.dat'); x_desorp = load('P_P0_des_25.dat'); y = load('X_ads_25.dat'); cs_ads_25 = spline(x_adsorp,y); P_P0_ads = x_adsorp(1); P_P0_des = x_desorp(length(x_desorp)); xx_ads = linspace(P_P0_ads,P_P0_des,10000); P_P0 = 0.05:0.0001:0.9; x_ads_model_prediction = zeros(length(P_P0),1); for i = 1:length(x_ads_model_prediction) x_ads_model_prediction(i) = equilibirum_uptake_ads_MIL_101(T_ads,cs_ads,cs_ads_25,cs_diff_ads,Coeffs_ads,P_P0(i),xx_ads); end plot(P_P0,x_ads_model_prediction) NOTE: T_ads is the temperature in Kelvin at which the adsorption isotherm needs to be plotted The equilibrium desorption isotherms for MIL-101 can be plotted in exactly the same way except the following replacements: P_P0_ads_70.dat by P_P0_des_70.dat, X_ads_70.dat by X_des_70.dat, diff_X_25_X_70_ads.dat by diff_X_25_X_70_des.dat, X_ads_25.dat by X_des_25.dat, coeffs Adsorption Isotherm uptake v.s. relative pressure of MIL-101.dat by coeffs Desorption Isotherm uptake v.s. relative pressure of MIL-101.dat In order to plot the equilibrium water adsorption isotherms for silica-gel based on the spline-interpolation model presented in the study, the following stepwise procedure should be followed: 1. Copy the MATLAB subroutine titled "equilibirum_uptake_ads_silica_gel.m" along with the following uploaded files in a single folder: Coeffs.dat, X_60.dat 2. Open this folder in MATLAB address bar and type the following commands in command window: Coeffs_ds = load('Coeffs.dat'); y = load('X_60.dat'); P_P0 = linspace(0.065917550328049,0.926910768617581,10000); cs_ds = spline(P_P0,y); x_ads_model_prediction = zeros(length(P_P0),1); for i = 1:length(x_ads_model_prediction) x_ads_model_prediction(i) = equilibirum_uptake_ads_silica_gel(T_ads,x_ds,P_P0(i),Coeffs_ds,cs_ds); end plot(P_P0,x_ads_model_prediction) NOTE: T_ads is the temperature in Kelvin at which the adsorption isotherm needs to be plotted


National University of Sciences and Technology


Adsorption, Refrigeration
