Rural Communities and National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in Zimbabwe: An Analysis of Survey Data
The data set used descriptive survey design which utilized both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods using both the qualitative interview and focus group discussion guides and quantitative questionnaires as data collection tools. A sample size of 272 was randomly selected from the total district population of 104, 342 to answer the questionnaire. They were selected according to households. On the other hand, a sample of 6 key informant interviewees and 3 focus group discussions of 6 participants each were purposively selected to provide qualitative data. Quantitative data from questionnaires was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24. For qualitative data from interviews and focus group discussions thematic analysis was used. Data was presented in tables and figures. The data shows the socio-economic demographic characteristics of participants, obstacles to disaster risk reduction programming and the opportunities in disaster risk reduction programming.