Supplementary Materials- A prospective cohort study of factors associated with the digital cushion thickness in dairy cattle
Supplementary Table S1. Descriptive Statistics of explanatory variables at each time point. Continuous variables are presented alongside the mean, standard deviation (SD), range and number of missing values (%). Categorical variables are presented alongside the frequency within each level (%). Supplementary Table S2. Descriptive Statistics of explanatory variables at each time point grouped by farm. Continuous variables are presented alongside the mean, standard deviation (SD), range and number of missing values (%). Categorical variables are presented alongside the frequency within each level (%). Supplementary Table S3. Results from univariable analysis of explanatory variables with DCT as an outcome. Supplementary Table S4. Estimates and 95% confidence intervals presented from the mixed effect linear regression model (Model 1) examining the association between explanatory variables, lesion presence at the time of measurement and the digital cushion thickness. These estimates and confidence intervals are presented in Figure 1a) The interaction between farm and stage of lactation on the digital cushion thickness (mm) and Figure 1b) The interaction between parity and stage of lactation on the digital cushion thickness (mm). Supplementary Table S5. Estimates and 95% confidence intervals presented from the mixed effect linear regression model (Model 2) examining the association between explanatory variables, lesion presence at the time of measurement and the digital cushion thickness. These estimates and confidence intervals are presented in Figure 2a) The interaction between farm and stage of lactation on the digital cushion thickness (mm) and Figure 2b) The interaction between parity and stage of lactation on the digital cushion thickness (mm). Supplementary Table S6. Estimates and 95% confidence intervals presented from the mixed effect linear regression model (Model 3a, 3b and 3c) examining explanatory variables and lesions present at the time of measurement on the thickness of the digital cushion, focusing on each parity group in turn. These estimates and confidence intervals for the interaction between farm and stage of lactation on the digital cushion thickness (mm) in Figure 3; a) first parity, b) second parity and c) third or higher parity.