Replication package for: Quid pro quo? Political ties and sovereign borrowing
Published: 12 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/994kbk6c4z.1
Gene Ambrocio, Description
The replication package contains publicly available data as well as the code required to replicate the results in "Quid pro quo? Political ties and sovereign borrowing." The replication package does not contain proprietary data that the user must obtain for themselves. Please see the README file.
Steps to reproduce
1. Place all provided files in the same folder 2. Reconstruct the proprietary dataset and save it in Stata file format with filename “quidproquo_replication_propdata_aug2021.dta”. See details in the README file on how to reconstruct the proprietary dataset 3. Run the “” file with the Stata application (version 16 or better)
Fordham University, Suomen Pankki
International Finance, Sovereign Debt