Revealing a High Water Abundance in the Upper Mesosphere of Mars with ACS onboard TGO

Published: 14 May 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/995y7ymdgm.1
Denis Belyaev


This dateset represents results from the middle infrared spectrometer of the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS MIR) operating on board ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter in regime of solar occultation. The instrument measures altitude profiles of water vapor content in the atmosphere of Mars. Here we present profiles of H2O volume mixing ratio (VMR) measured during the second halves of Martian Years (MY) 34 and 35. Those seasonal intervals correspond to ACS MIR observations from May 2018 to March 2019 and from April 2020 to January 2021. The selected dataset comprises 187 occultation sessions in the Northern Hemisphere and 156 sessions in the Southern Hemisphere, encompassing seasonal periods from LS 180° to 355° in MY34 and from LS 185° to 356° in MY35. The dataset analysis is presented in the article of Belyaev et al. (2021) "Revealing a High Water Abundance in the Upper Mesosphere of Mars with ACS onboard TGO" published in Geophysical Research Letters (doi:10.1029/2021GL093411) with open access at ESSOAr: For any detail or question mail to: (Dr. Denis Belyaev)


Steps to reproduce

The published dataset consists of two folders: DATA with all individual profiles; and CATALOG with list of observations (i.e. orbits with correspondent time and latitude of observation). CATALOG contains two files (lists) with observations in the Northern (CATALOG_NORTH_h2o_GRL2021pub.txt) and Southern (CATALOG_SOUTH_h2o_GRL2021pub.txt) Hemispheres separately. Content of the columns in CATALOG files: N - number of observation in the list; ORB - number of the TGO orbit; OCC - number of occultation in orbit (1 or 2); LS - Solar Longitude of observation; LAT - geographical latitude of observation at the tangent point around 100 km of altitude (from -90° to 0° in the Southern Hemisphere and from 0° to +90° in the Northern Hemisphere). DATA contains set of files with observations (individual profiles) listed in CATALOG. Naming of the DATA files: orbXXXXXXnY_H2Ovmr_GRL2021pub.txt (XXXXXX - orbit number; Y - occultation number (1 or 2); Content of the columns in DATA files: Z - altitude of tangent point for the instrument line of sight (in [km], in descending order); VMRh2o - volume mixing ratio of H2O (in parts per million [ppm]); dVMRh2o - uncertainty for the H2O VMR (in [ppm]); Sub-folder AVERAGE PROFILES contains altitude profiles of H2O VMR averaged over GDS34 (Ls 195°-220°) and perihelion (Ls 250°-295°) intervals. Columns are: GDS - global dust storm in MY34, Per34 - perihelion in MY34, Per35 - perihelion in MY35. The VMR values are supplemented by corespondent columns with uncertainties. Cells with NaN correspond to relative uncertainties >100%. For any detail or question mail to: (Dr. Denis Belyaev)


Remote Sensing of Water Vapor, Mars
