BANGLA-ABSA: Unique Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis datasets in Bangla Language
Published: 9 July 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/998m4jy3m9.3
Mahmudul Hasan, , Description
In the Bangla language, sentiment analysis is becoming more and more significant. Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) predicts the sentiment polarity on an aspect level. The data were collected from numerous individuals with a minimum of two aspects. Every comment is a complex or compound sentence. The datasets are organized in a folder named "BANGLA_ABSA dataset" which has four Excel files, one for each of the datasets: Car_ABSA, Mobile_phone_ABSA, Movie_ABSA, and Restaurant_ABSA. Each Excel file contains three columns namely Id, Comment, and {Aspect category, Sentiment Polarity}. Car_ABSA, Mobile_phone_ABSA, Movie_ABSA, and Restaurant_ABSA datasets have 1149, 975, 800, and 801 rows of data respectively.
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Bangladesh