Decent Work and Innovative Work Behavior

Published: 17 June 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/99c4cfdksc.2
Dun Liu


This dataset is the online supplemental material of the article "Decent Work and Innovative Work Behavior: Mediating Roles of Work Engagement, Intrinsic Motivation, and Job Self-efficacy", which finds that decent work (DW) stimulates innovative work behavior (IWB) through complete mediation of work engagement (WE), with intrinsic motivation (IM) and job self-efficacy (JSE) partially mediating the relationship between DW and WE. The dataset includes the following parts: (1) The SPSS file of the processed dataset as input of all the empirical work, named as "DW and IWB Dataset". The dataset contains 517 supervisor-employee dyads colleted from 19 independent business units under a large state holding company group in Beijing, with scale items of DW, IM, JSE, and WE rated by employee themselves and IWB rated by employees' supervisors (see "Procedures and Samples" section in the article for details). Variables are named as their abbreviations in the article. numbers after each variable name represent the scale item numbers of the variable (e.g. JSE3 represents the 3rd item of job self-efficacy scale). (2) The file folder named as "DW measurement model", containing the AMOS files of the measurement model of decenk work, measuring decent work as a 2nd order 7-dimension construct. There are two measurement models provided, one being modified by allowing error terms of the same dimension intercorrelated to improve goodness of fit (see "Measures" section in the article for details). (3) The file folder named as "SEM Amos files_overall effects", containing the AMOS files of the structural equation models presenting the hypothesized relationships among DW, IM, JSE, WE, and IWB. These files are supporting material to the "Hypotheses Testing" section of the article. There are 4 path diagrams provided, corresponding to the hypothesized model (named as "DW on IWB") and the 3 alternative models. There is also a user-defined estimand file associated with the hypothesized model, for estimating the effect sizes (and their bias-corrected confidence intervals) of the defined paths. (4) The file foler named as "SEM Amos files_dimension specific effects", containing the AMOS files of the structural equation models presenting the hypothesized relationships among each dimension of DW and other study variables. These files are supporting material to the "Supplementary Analysis on the Dimension-specific Effects" section of the article. There are 7 path diagrams provided, corresponding to the 7 dimeansions of DW. There are also user-defined estimand file associated with each path diagram, for estimating the effect sizes (and their bias-corrected confidence intervals) of the defined paths.


Steps to reproduce

The users could replicate all the research findings by simply run the Amos path diagrams after associating them with the dataset. They are recommended to use AMOS 23.0 version or above.


Beijing Jiaotong University


Human Resource Management, Workplace, Individual-Level Organizational Behavior, Incentive for Innovation
