Resting heart rate

Published: 8 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9b725x7mvb.1


Summary statistics of the GWAS on resting heart rate. Included in this folder are: 1. RHR_UKB.all.gz : The GWAS of resting heart rate in the UK Biobank 2. RHR_ICRHR_all.top10000.gz : The 10.000 SNPs with the lowest P-values of the GWAS meta-analysis of the 99 cohorts that contributed to the IC-RHR 3. RHR_ICRHR_without23andme.gz : The GWAS meta-analysis of 98 cohorts that contributed to the IC-RHR, excluding 23andME (N=51.039) 4. RHR_UKBplusICRHR_all.top10000 : The 10.000 SNPs with the lowest P-values of the GWAS meta-analysis of the UK Biobank and IC-RHR 5. RHR_UKBplusICRHR.all.gz : The GWAS meta-analysis of the UK Biobank and IC-RHR, excluding 23andME (N=51.039)



Genome Wide Association Study
