Calibrated Finite Element Model for Four Story Building under Seismic and Wind Events

Published: 15 September 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9bphhy463c.1
Heba Elsisi


This data set is for a calibrated FEM for the benchmark building developed by Lingos D, and Krawinkler H (Prediction and validation of sideway collapse of two scale models of a 4‐story steel moment frame. The building is a four-story steel moment frame, with reduced beam sections. The hysteresis behavior for the beam column connection has been verified with Lingos, Krawinkler data and showed a good agreement. The natural frequency for the first three modes has been identified using an eigen value analysis, where the frequencies match the values obtained by Lingos, Krawinkler. The modeling is performed using LS-Dyna software. The modeling has gone through several steps: a) Implicit Modeling for the gravity load, followed by b) Explicit Dynamics Modeling for the seismic event followed by c) Explicit Dynamics Modeling for the wind events. LS-Dyna provides a “Restart” feature, where the user can start a new model from the end time of another model to continue the simulation. This feature has been adopted in this work. In this data set, the calibrated model has been used to investigate the wind performance of seismically damaged structures. The model is subjected to three different seismic intensities, each seismic event is followed by a wind event. The objective is to investigate how does moderate seismic damages impact the total building drift under wind loads. Northridge earthquake is used in this study, and three seismic intensities are defined using this record by amplifying the acceleration with certain multiplier. The three records are a) Design Level Earthquake (DLE) where the record is multiplied by 1.0, b) Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) where the record is multiplied by 1.5, and c) Collapse Level Earthquake (CLE) where the record is multiplied by 1.9. After each of these three seismic events, the building is subjected to 4 wind events. The forces of the wind events are calculated using the ASCE 7-10 code. The wind velocities are for a) 10 MRI wind (wind with Mean Recurrence Interval of 10 years), b) 25 MRI wind, c) 50MRI Wind, and d) 100 MRI wind. The total building drift has been used as a metric to investigate the impact of seismic damages on the building performance. More information can be found in the following Thesis (Heba Elsisi. DEVELOPMENT OF WIND PERFORMANCE CURVES FOR SIESMICALLY DAMAGED STRUCTURES. University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2019).



University of Alabama at Birmingham


