Replication data for: The economic costs of hybrid wars: The case of Ukraine
The paper uses data from World Bank's World Development Indicators, Polity IV project, World Bank's WITS database, and the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. We use yearly country-level panel data over the period 1995-2017. The dependent variable used in the SCM analysis is the per capita GDP (GDPpc) in 2011 dollars (PPP). Further, outcome predictors used to match Ukraine in the pre-war period are inflation measured by consumer price index, domestic investment with gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) as a percentage of GDP, and we measure the dependence on trade with Russia as the sum of share of exports and imports with the Russian Federation in countries' total international trade (TradeDep) obtained from WITS database. Finally, to account for political and socio-economic resemblance, we also include the Human Development Index (HDI) which is a composite indicator of life expectancy, education, and per capita income, as well as the Polity variable from the Polity IV project dataset in which values equal to 10 (-10) indicate a strongly democratic (autocratic) regime. Regional SCM estimates are obtained with data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Limited data availability constrains the time period to 2004 onwards and the choice of the variables included. These are exports of commodities (as a share of GRP), capital investments (as a share of GRP), unemployment rate, and per capita GRP. Please note that the values of regions' GRP and capital investment are transformed from the Ukrainian currency (UAH) into international 2011 dollars using the exchange rates constructed based on Ukraine's GDP data obtained from World Bank is US dollars and their comparison with GDP values obtained from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine in local currency UAH.