Relational and interactional dynamic network data from Czech lower-secondary school students

Published: 3 June 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/9c3dth6cwp.3
Tomáš Lintner,


This dataset contains data on friendships and group work interactions among a convenience sample of 276 Czech Grade 6 students from twelve classrooms, supported by student-level demographic, literacy, motivation, and classroom communication data. Gathered longitudinally at the beginning and end of the 2021/2022 school year, the data provide a relational insight into the nature and evolution of early adolescents' friendships. Moreover, the data provide a unique relational and temporal insight into the verbal interaction of students during classroom group work. This dataset constitutes a valuable resource for educational researchers interested in studying classroom group work as well as for social network scientists studying dynamic social networks. A Data in Brief article providing detailed information on how the data were collected, what the content of the files is, and how the data might be re-used has been submitted. Compared to the Data in Brief article, this version (3) contains two updates. First, both on-task and off-task communication is included. As a result, in the interactional data.xlsx file, a new column - type - denoting the type of interaction is included. Second, student attributes contain also data on student grades from the Czech language classes, with grade 1 denoting the best grade and grade 5 the worst.



Masarykova univerzita


Social Network Analysis, Peer Relationships


Grantová Agentura České Republiky

