The processed data in the study of closed-form solutions for free vibration and eigenbuckling of rectangular nanoplates

Published: 17 October 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9cbk9dx8pc.1
Zekun Wang


"DATA1 .xlsx" includes the fundamental frequencies for SSSS, SSSC and CSCS nanoplates (2a=2b=10nm). "DATA2 .xlsx" includes the fundamental frequencies of nanoplates (2a=2b=5nm) with arbitrary homogeneous BCs. "DATA3 .xlsx" includes the critical buckling loads of SSSS rectangular nanoplates. "DATA4 .xlsx" includes the critical buckling loads of SCSC and SSSC rectangular nanoplates. "DATA5 .xlsx" includes the first six frequencies of square nanoplates (2a=2b=10nm) with various BCs. "DATA6 .xlsx" includes the fundamental frequency ratios of square nanoplates with different plate lengths. "DATA7 .xlsx" includes the fundamental frequency ratios of square nanoplates (2a=2b=10nm) with various BCs. "DATA8 .xlsx" includes the critical buckling loads of square nanoplates (2a=2b=5nm) with 17 kinds of BCs. "DATA9 .xlsx" includes the critical buckling load ratios of square nanoplates with different plate lengths. "DATA10 .xlsx" includes the critical buckling load ratios of square nanoplates (2a=2b=10nm) with various BCs. From these data, it was concluded that in both free vibration and eigenbuckling, nonlocal effects play a greater role in smaller plates. With the increase of plate aspect ratios, the frequencies and critical buckling loads increase, and nonlocal effects become more important. In vibration analysis, nonlocal effects are more significant in higher modes, this is because the higher the mode number is, the smaller the wavelengths are, and nonlocal effects are more important for smaller wavelengths. One also observed that nonlocal effects play a greater role in the stiffer boundary conditions in both vibration and eigenbuckling analysis.



Buckling, Vibration Analysis
