Dataset: Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy

Published: 5 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9ccckm545w.1
, Jagadish Tawade,


Virtual Reality exposure therapy (VRET) is emerging as a promising approach in the assessment and treatment of acrophobia, the irrational fear of heights. Traditional methods often involve real-world height exposure, which can be challenging to administer and may pose safety concerns. VR technology provides a controlled and safe environment to simulate height-related scenarios, facilitating desensitization and symptom reduction. This approach leverages psychological mechanisms such as presence and emotional engagement to create a convincing therapeutic experience. The study consisted of 60 samples. The research aimed to assess the impact of VRET on acrophobia, focusing on the reducing levels of acrophobia severity and anxiety after the intervention. Further research is needed to establish the long-term efficacy of VR exposure therapy and its place within a comprehensive treatment plan for acrophobia, but it holds significant promise in revolutionizing the way we approach this prevalent anxiety disorder.



Psychoanalysis, Anxiety, Virtual Reality, Adult, Exposure Therapy
