Selective pressures of platinum compounds shape the evolution of therapy-related myeloid neoplasms

Published: 14 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9d7mhxzt9g.1
Bioinformatics van Boxtel


This repository includes all code and data that is needed to reproduce the figures from Bertrums et al. 2024 on platinum treatment and therapy-related myeloid neoplasms, including the somatic mutations, structural variants, and copy number variations found in these samples. It includes both WGS of bulk t-MN, and single cell/clone WGS used for constructing phylogenetic trees. A comprehensive description of the data files can be found in "input_data/README". A comprehensive description of the scripts and how to run them can be found in: "scripts/README"


Steps to reproduce

see "scripts/README"


Prinses Maxima Centrum voor Kinderoncologie


DNA Mutation, Genome Sequencing
