Probing sensory readout via combined choice correlation measure and microstimulation perturbation;

Published: 5 September 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9dkbj9x7hf.1
Xuefei Yu


(1) This file contains the dataset for each figure in "Probing sensory readout via combined choice correlation measure and microstimulation perturbation". (2) In each file corresponding to each figure contains all the raw data that can be used to reproduce the results in particular figures. Most files are stored via OriginPro2015 and can be opened through it( (3) In addition, we also provide the raw responses for each single units recorded in MST,MT and VIP(rawDataBase). You can extract responses,sensory parameters and choices for each trial and reproduce the sensory/choice related correlation by methods in the paper or any other new proposed ones (by MATLAB). The demo in the file illustrates the details of the analysis.



