Real-time truck scheduling model for multiple-door cross-dock

Published: 29 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9dnrc6s3ck.1
Bilge Torbali, Gülgün Alpan


This dataset is in regard to Chapter 5 of the PhD thesis titled "Real-time Truck Scheduling in Cross-Docking: A Hybrid Multi-Agent Simulation Framework". It is organised in 5 folders, each representing a door set as follows: - DootSet_1: 2-inbound and 2-outbound doors. H: high traffic, 280 pallets per hour. M: medium traffic, 140 pallets per hour. L: low traffic, 70 pallets per hour. - DootSet_2: 5-inbound and 5-outbound doors. H: high traffic, 680 pallets per hour. M: medium traffic, 340 pallets per hour. L: low traffic, 170 pallets per hour. - DootSet_3: 10-inbound and 10-outbound doors. H: high traffic, 1300 pallets per hour. - DootSet_4: 15-inbound and 15-outbound doors. H: high traffic, 1900 pallets per hour. - DootSet_5: 20-inbound and 20-outbound doors. H: high traffic, 2500 pallets per hour. The input data for each door set is defined in Excel files, each file containing the inbound trucks, outbound trucks and pallets data for one or more simulation instances. Excel files are named with the following convention: "<I><O>_<X>" Where: - <I> represents the inbound traffic level (H for high, M for medium, L for low) as defined for each door set above - <O> represents the outbound traffic level (H for high, M for medium, L for low) as defined for each door set above - <X> represents the simulation instance(s). It may represent a single instance (for example "4") or a range of instances (for example 1-10 representing instances 1 to 10). For example, the file "LM_51-60" in the folder "DoorSet_1" represents the input data for instances 51 to 60, with low (70 pallets per hour) inbound and medium (140 pallets per hour) outbound traffic, for door set 1. Each Excel file contains the following worksheets: - inboundTrucks: list of inbound trucks (one per row) with the instance ID they are associated with, a unique ID and their corresponding arrival times since the start of simulation in minutes. - outboundTrucks: list of outbound trucks (one per row) with the instance ID they are associated with, a unique ID, their corresponding arrival times since the start of simulation in minutes, their due date in minutes since the start of simulation and their destination identified by an integer ranging from 1 to 3 (included). - pallets: list of pallets (one per row) with the instance ID they are associated with, a unique ID, the ID of the inbound truck in which they start the simulation, their due date in minutes since the start of simulation, their destination identified by an integer ranging from 1 to 3 (included) and their type identified by a letter A, B or C.



Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, Laboratoire G-SCOP, Universite Grenoble Alpes


Engineering, Discrete Event Simulation, Agent-Based Modeling, Multi-Agent System
