Pulsed Vertical Displacement and Subsequent Shearing in the Forearc of the Costa Rican Convergent Margin: Evidence from Paleomagnetic Results of IODP Site U1413: Datasets and Supplementary materials
This dataset is published along with the paper "Xu, S.H., Zhao, X.X., Li, Y-X.*, Liu, X.Y., Chen, W.W., 2021. Pulsed Vertical Displacement and Subsequent Shearing in the Forearc of the Costa Rican Convergent Margin: Evidence from Paleomagnetic Results of IODP Site U1413. Marine Geology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106606 " The dataset contains the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) data (Table 1) and the 90-Kmin data (Table 2) of IODP Site U1413 samples. Kmin is the minimum axid of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility data. The dataset also includes three supplementary figures. Fig. S1 shows the newly refined magnetostratigraphy of this study supercedes that obatined during the expedition. Fig. S2 shows the age-depth model based on the refined magnetostratigraphy and the biostratigraphy of Site U1413. Fig. S3 shows the comparison of the downcore changes of 90°-Kmin values of the middle slope site U1380 and the upper slope site U1413.