Brain Electrical Patterns Correlated with Pleasure and Emotion Induced by Atonal Music - Raw dataset
Raw dataset of 25 Mexican adult participants (10 females, 15 males; M = 37.8 years old, SD = 15.1) that evaluated 16 musical stimuli regarding valence, arousal, familiarity, and pleasure, while recording their electroencephalographic (EEG) activity. Participants provided their demographic information, that is, age, gender, scholarity, daily time for music listening, preferred genre, and music education. Afterwards, they listened to each of the musical stimuli and evaluated them through continuous scales (from -100 to +100) for each variable. A personalized set of musical stimuli was conducted by selecting the highest and the lowest scores for Valence, Arousal, and Pleasure (with respect tonal and atonal music), resulting in 12 musical stimuli per participant. Electrophysiological data was calculated by extracting Theta power (4-8 Hz) and Alpha power (8-13) with a Fast Fourier Transform, conucted in EEGLAB, at each of the electrode locations (F3, F4, P3, and P4). A natural logarithm (ln) was applied to the EEG power, and then averaged by music group: Tonal-Joyful (TJ), Tonal-Sad (TS), Atonal-Joyful (AJ), and Atonal-Sad (AS). Finally, the interhemispheric activity (IHA) was calculated, by substracting left EEG power to the right EEG power. All participants accepted and gave their informed consent.