Data for: A heuristic underlies the search for relief in Drosophila melanogaster

Published: 8 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9frwpy5vz9.1
Nicola Meda


The "Main Text" datasets can be used to reproduce the findings reported in figures 1 and 2 (up to panel J). The "Panel On" dataset regards the results reported in figure 2K-L.


Steps to reproduce

Legend: theta = fly orientation as described in ; dtheta = angular velocity; velmag_ctr = velocity of the animal; trialframe = the frame (ranging from 1 to 1979, fps = 11) of each training trial. Important info for replication: The main text dataset is composed of four groups of flies. These groups (first column of the .xlsx) describe the location of the vertical stripe during the probe session (17th trial). The horizontal bar is diametrically opposed to the vertical bar for all probe conditions. The training session is identical for all the groups of flies. Moreover, the visual patterns are displayed since trialframe 331 (second 30*fps), and the optogenetic stimulation starts at frame 661. The squares that define the safe zones (or the sham zones used for comparison, according to the trial number, e.g., Previous Safe Zone) have the following coordinates: Northern Zone: (x1=210; y1=380); (x2=340;y2=510) Southern Zone: (x1=210; y1=38); (x2=340;y2=168) Eastern Zone: (x1=29.9; y1=210); (x2=159.9;y2=340) Western Zone: (x1=388.2; y1=210); (x2=518.2;y2=340) The surrogate point of the arena used to compute the angle difference between the visual target and the orientation of the fly has the following coordinates: Northern target: (x=275; y=500) Southern target: (x=275; y=50) For additional details (software used for data analysis) see the supplementary appendix of the manuscript.


Universita degli Studi di Padova


Behavioral Neuroscience
