Supplemental materials for publication: Society of Dermatology Hospitalists supportive care guidelines for the management of Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis in adults.
Published: 3 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9g6nv2cjgp.1
Lucia Seminario-Vidal, Daniela Kroshinsky, Stephen J. Malachowski, James Sun, Alina Markova, Thomas M. Beachkofsky, Benjamin H. Kaffenberger, Elizabeth N. Ergen, Melissa Mauskar , Alina G. Bridges, Cody Calhoun, Adela R. Cardones, Steven T. Chen, James Chodosh, Jonathan Cotliar, Mark D.P. Davis, Katherine L. DeNiro, Arturo Dominguez, Juliana Eljure-Téllez, Alisa Femia, Lindy P. Fox , Anisha Guda, Caroline M. Mitchell, Arash Mostaghimi, Alex G. Ortega-Loayza, Cindy Owen, Helena Pasieka, Sahand Rahnama-Moghadam, Hajirah N. Saeed, Rebecca B. Saunderson, Swapna Shanbhag, Victoria R. Sharon , Lindsay C. Strowd , Samantha Venkatesh, Karolyn A. Wanat, David A. Wetter, Scott Worswick, Robert G. Micheletti
eAppendix1: Search terms and strategies
eAppendix2: Level of evidence and grade of recommendation calculation
eAppendix3: Delphi Process
eAppendix4: This is a supplemental document designed to provide visualizations and summary statistics for the responses to each statement that appeared in the survey. There are 135 statements split into 11 topic sections, with each topic section split into the “Recommendations” section as well as the “Uncertain and Inappropriate” classification section. Be mindful that tables correspond to the histogram immediately preceding the table (i.e. a histogram is followed by a table for the statement).
eAppendix5: Suggested initial management of acute ocular SJS/TEN based on simple clinical grading system (adapted from Sotozono et al.)
Dermatology, Infectious Disease, Wound Care, Drug, Steven-Johnson Syndrome, Supportive Care, Oral Care, Inpatient Care Setting, Acute Pain, Ocular Toxicity, Clinical Guideline, Gynecologic Dermatology, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, Burn Unit