Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Self-Assessment Survey Data Set (January 2006 - March 2020)
This dataset was developed to locate a reliable and valid self-assessment of faculty TPACK for a quantitative research study. It was expanded to include additional categories to ease the location of quality instrumentation for other scholars given the large number of articles and instruments available. The initial data were collected by searching the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), Web of Science, Scopus, and PsycINFO databases using the search terms “technological pedagogical content knowledge,” “TPCK,” and “TPACK.” Searches were limited to articles in peer-reviewed journals that were available in English during the period January 2006 – March 2020. Search results were downloaded combined, and duplicates were eliminated, leaving 552 unique articles. Exclusions: 19 were unavailable, 18 were not in English, 282 did not use a TPACK self-assessment survey, and 8 were excluded for study type (e.g., case study) or respondent type (student). After eliminations, a total of 233 articles were included for analysis and their records are available in this dataset. The initial spreadsheets contained only four fields: author(s), article title, journal title, and publication year. To facilitate the evaluation of TPACK self-assessment instruments, the researcher added 41 additional fields (columns) were included such as whether or not the survey instrument is included in the article, respondent characteristics, factor analytics data, anchors, and sample items, among many others. This data set is made available for researcher use with proper citation.