Observables of MOX spent fuel simulated in Serpent2 for LFR-SMR
Lead-cooled Fast Reactors (LFRs) with mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel are promising candidates in the Gen IV small modular reactor (SMR) landscape due to their capacity for actinides transmutation, passive safety features, and minimized waste radiotoxicity. However, rigorous characterization of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is essential for secure management, storage, and safeguards research. This is a dataset of isotopic mass densities, spanning 152 isotopes in spent LFR-MOX fuel, additionally providing estimations for activity, decay heat, photon emission, spontaneous fission and radiotoxicity values across various decay steps. Using the Serpent2.2.1 Monte Carlo code for depletion calculations, and processed with SerpentTools, the dataset captures inventory data as a function of power, burnup, the plutonium vector, and decay time, enabling analyses of SNF properties without recalculating depletion cases. The calculations cover a wide range of burn-up levels (from 5 to 150 MWd/KgHM), Pu enrichment (10% to 31%), Power ( from 36.56 to 219.6 W/cm) and Decay (from 1 to a million years). The dataset is stored in Parquet format, including one primary depletion file and 13 decay files.