Data for: Seasonal and event-based concentration-discharge relationships to identify catchment controls on nutrient export regimes
The water quality parameters included in this database were nitrate (NO3-), total phosphorus (TP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP). From approximately 10 000 water quality stations present in the French national public database (, we selected the stations meeting all the following criteria: i) C station can be paired with a Q station (data from when their catchments share at least 90% surface area; ii) all C catchments are independent; iii) C data contains at least 50 observations after outliers removal (i.e. values over 200 mgN L-1 and 5 gP L-1) over the period 2008-2015; iv) at least 30% of C observations occurred during “major” hydrological events (defined here as Q(t) > 1.5 x Q_baseflow); v) trends on C are non-significant over the period (p-value of Sen’s Slope test > 0.05, following Hipel and McLeod (2005)). Finally, stations where a single concentration value was observed more than 15% of the time were removed from the selection, a situation often seen in P surveys when concentrations are below quantification limits. This resulted in 219 unique catchments with respectively 179, 138 and 107 individual time series for NO3-, TP and SRP.