Data and MEP expression for Resilient Modulus in Stabilized aggregate base

Published: 18 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9hgj757b46.1
Adnan Khan


The programming file for MEP and the dataset for the resilient modulus in stabilized aggregate base are mepx_MR.xml and Multi Expression Programming Calculations, respectively. The Excel file has both input and output information. From column 1 to column 5, the inputs are WDC (wet-dry cycles), CSAFR (ratio of calcium oxide to silica, alumina, and iron oxide compounds in cementitious materials), DMR (ratio of maximum dry density to optimal moisture content), CP (confining pressure), DS (deviator stress), and in column 6, Mr (target resilient modulus parameter). Col 7 has the MEP expression and the results of calculating the target Mr based on the information in cols 1–5. Col. 9 is the R-squared calculation between actual and MEP-outcomes. The training data for MEP is found in rows 2 through 494, and the testing data is found in rows 495 through 705. In columns 11 and 12, you can compare the published results of the Gene expression programming equation on the same dataset. In the Excel file, you can find the reference. But the results don't match up with the results in the article. A calculation error is possible.


Steps to reproduce

The dataset was used to develop a predictive model for the resilient modulus based on random forest, extreme gradient boosting regression, and multi expression programming. The dataset was compiled from (M.R. Kaloop et al., doi: 10.3390/app9163221). Please refer to the article (Adnan Khan, Ju Huyan, Runhua Zhang, Yu Zhu, Weiguang Zhang, Gao Ying, Kamal Nasir Ahmad, Syed Khaliq Shah, An ensemble tree-based prediction of Marshall mix design parameters and resilient modulus in stabilized base materials, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 401, 2023, 132833, ISSN 0950-0618, for detailed information.


Southeast University


Mechanical Property, Pavement Design, Pavement Evaluation
