Fungal spore air pollution in selected environments in Nairobi, Kenya
Data emanating from a study that was carried out in selected parts of Nairobi to establish the load, distribution and the type of fungal groups from the atmosphere
Steps to reproduce
1. Settle plate method was used to capture free spores from the atmosphere on Petri dishes with Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) 2. A digital weather station was used to record meteorological parameters (Temperature, Windspeed and Humidity). 3. GPS coordinates were taken at the sampling sites 3. A Laboratory Culture of Air borne spores captured above (ambient conditions) 4. Enumeration of the fungal isolates and computation of concentration was done using the Omelyansky formula 5. Identification of Isolates was executed using standard macromorphological and micromorphological techniques 6. Lactophenol Cotton Blue (LPCB) Staining was the micromorphological technique adopted