Database for “Habitual structure of the Kaliningrad region’ population”
The social structure of a society is a set of the population social strata, structured according to a variety of differences between them. Today, to study the structure of society social strata, various approaches are used, aimed, as a rule, at determining the main criteria and profile of the social stratification system, as well as at determining the stability and possible dynamics of the social structure, defining existing successful models as target indicators. The models and approaches presented by the scientific community are a significant theoretical and applied component of knowledge about the society social structure, however, there are a number of questions that cannot be answered by existing scientific knowledge. So, today there is no single integrated position of the individual in the society structure as a whole, and not in certain strata. Is it possible to view social structure from a non-inequality perspective? Is it possible to actually predict the social structure of society? Do representatives of modern stratification strata feel comfortable? Are all individuals aimed at vertical mobility to higher social strata? I provide answers to these questions in a scientific article with the results of a study of the population habitual structure on the example of the Kaliningrad region. The determination of social habituses was made on the basis of the approach I developed, which consists in determining social habitus by comparing the main disposition direction of the respondents and their effective capital. I present the following materials: 1. Habituses and their general characteristics. 2. Habitual structure of the Kaliningrad region population. 3. Habitus’ characteristics of the Kaliningrad region population according to the function of social stabilization of society. 4. Comparison of the population habitual structure of the Kaliningrad region and other regions.