LA-ICP-MS trace element data on fused discs of Tasmanian basalts
Trace element data of Tasmanian basalts using LA-ICP-MS on lithium tetra-borate fused discs
Steps to reproduce
Following removal of weathered surfaces, samples were crushed using a tungsten-carbide jaw-crusher and powdered in either a tungsten-carbide or agate ring mill at the University of Adelaide. As per the method of Eggins (2003), fused discs used earlier for XRF analyses were cut and glued onto glass plates and have been analysed for trace elements using a New Wave UP-213 laser ablation system connected to an Agilent 7500cx inductively coupled mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) at the University of Adelaide. A total of three spots were analysed per sample for 90 seconds, ensuring homogeneity of the discs (Table 4). Appropriate standards such as BCR-1 and BHVO-1 underwent the same procedure and analyses for trace elements are indistinguishable from published reference values except for As, Pr and W. Some samples (TAS14-34B, TAS14-42B and TAS14-56B) have been duplicated a few months later to check for possible effects on the timing and degrading of fused discs, but no differences in data have been observed. XRF values of CaO wt.% were used as internal standards to normalise the ICP-MS results to. Data reduction procedures were done using Glitter V3.0 (Van Achterbergh et al., 2001) with a drift correction applied to the unknowns between the bracketing NIST SRM 612 calibrations assuming linear drift through the analysis sequence.