Raw interior temperature time series

Published: 4 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9k5763jp8j.1
David Arnaiz


Temporal Raw sensor data series of the interior temperature in a home environment. The sensor was placed near a window and shows daily shift depending on whether the sun was hitting the sensor not. The temperature data is in °C. The data was taken using the internal temperature sensor from a MPU6050, with a sampling period of 10 s. The data collection was started on 04/03/2021 @ 18:08, until 09/03/2021 @ 18:10. The total data series contains 43233 individual data points.


Steps to reproduce

The raw data is presented in CSV format. The left column contains the timestamps of the measurements in ms, and the right column contains the temperature measurement in °C.


Wireless Sensor Network
