Model PDHFLVIKOR to supplier selection - Matlab
Published: 20 July 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/9kfw4pbmw8.2
Mery Ellen Brandt de Oliveira, Description
This is a product of my master's work "COMPARISON BETWEEN HESITANT FUZZY LINGUISTIC VIKOR METHODS IN THE CONTEXT OF SUPPLIER SELECTION, 2022" at the Postgraduate Program in Administration at Federal Technological University of Paraná. In my study, I performed the modeling and simulation on MATLAB based on the article WU, Z.; XU, J.; JIANG, X.; ZHONG, L. Two MAGDM models based on hesitant Fuzzy linguistic term sets with possibility distributions: VIKOR and TOPSIS. Information Sciences, v. 473, p. 101-120, 2019.
Steps to reproduce
Download all files in a folder. To simulate other scenarios, the researcher may change one of the files of Simulation on Matlab Program.
Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana
Fuzzy Coding