An eco-innovative proposal to upcycle gillnets
Fishing gear life cycle begins in industries that manufacture these products from synthetic polymers persistent in the environment. The world trade distributes these materials around the planet and are introduced into the sea by the seafood supply chain that is plastic-dependent to catch fish. Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) cause environmental and economic impacts, such as ghost fishing, habitat loss and biodiversity, in addition are sources of microplastics. Nowadays items related to fishing are among the top ten items responsible for marine litter. This study developed low-impact reverse engineering of gillnets removed in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) of São Paulo State, Brazil. First sale price of gillnet waste was estimated and the traceability of high added environmental value polyamide-6 (PA6, nylon) prototypes (upcycle) through the green technology approach and convolutional neural network tools. Datasets of Bottom set gill net anchored”, classified as “GNS 07.1”. Where total weight (TW) in kg, total length (TL) (m), netting (webbing) height (HPA) (m), netting total length (TLPA) (m), mesh size (MESH) (mm), monofilament diameter (DIAM) (mm), material exhaustion percentage (EX) and the hanging ratio (E), where the hanging ratio was determined by the quotient between the headline length and the netting length. Additionally, residue weight, such as sand and debris (RES). Raw = 280 instances; Measured = 134 instances and Reverse = 36 instances Residual silte particle datasets embedded in PA6 upcycle from illegal and ghost gillnet From 15 recycled PA6 badge holder prototypes were captured 45 random images through digital microscope and processing in ImageJ software. Particle_Summary_Anova is a ImageJ analysis summary of particle features for each image. Particles_Bin has 3041 instances of silt particles features, with 2626 instances (TRUE) and 415 instances (FALSE)
Steps to reproduce
Gillnets were measured using, caliper (resolution: 0.01mm/0.0005 in.), measuring tape and digital scale (cap. 100.0 kg/220.4 lb - readability 100 g/0.220 lb). From 15 recycled polyamide 6 badge holder prototypes (upcycle from gillnet) were captured 1200 random images through digital microscope and processing in ImageJ software. These images into 8-bit binary (b/w) were transformed and divided into two planes defined from the gray threshold (0-255), making the residual particles evident.