Calcium bentonite and sodium bentonite as stabilizers for roads unbound

Published: 22 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9kwjrxgvmy.1


The dataset deals with a laboratory investigation of bentonite clay employed as a stabilization technology for road unbound layers. Two types of bentonite clays are investigated, namely calcium based bentonite (CaB) and sodium based bentonite (NaB). Two types of aggregates are characterized as stabilized materials, namely crushed rock aggregates (CRA) and natural gravel aggregates (NGA). Untreated aggregates (Unbound Granular Material, UGM) are also tested for comparison purpose. A total of 12 samples – 2 replicate samples for each condition – are tested dried (w=0%) by means of Repeated Load Triaxial Test (RLTT). The dataset reports raw data and pictures. RLTTs are performed following the code “EN 13286-7 Cyclic load triaxial test for unbound mixtures” according to Multi-Stage Low Stress Level (MS LSL) testing procedure. The spreadsheets displaying the RLTTs results report the dynamic stress and the triaxial stress exerted in the testing device as well as the axial strains and the radial strains measured by a total of six Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs).



Laboratory Testing, Construction Material, Bentonite, Road Construction, Pavement Geotechnics
