REVIVA Tool - Linear Block. Energy optimization of retrofit strategies in housing blocks

Published: 30 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9kz9dchhj3.1
Carmen María Calama-González


-- DESCRIPTION -- The interactive tool REVIVA is the result of the research work developed in the R&D&I project Energy Retrofitting of the Andalusian social housing. Optimization of passive solutions in residential stocks with a high vulnerability index (US.22-06) (, funded by the Regional Government of Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Fomento, Articulación del Territorio y Vivienda). It is an open-access tool, which allows the interactive visualization of the project results related to the energy optimization of the retrofit strategies of the existing public social housing stock in southern Spain. This tool aims to serve as a starting point for decision-making in the renovation process of this building stock, providing decisive information on the thermal performance of different packages of combined retrofit strategies focused on the improvement of thermal comfort, contemplating different levels of intervention and associated economic investment. Specific information on the Linear block buildings typology is included in the tool. The tool is shown as an interactive parallel axis plot, developed with the HiPlot - High Dimensional Interactive Plotting visualization - application (available online for download at and described in more detail at and Python v3.6 programming language. -- INSTRUCTIONS -- To open the REVIVA interative tool for the Linear Block typology you must click on the *.html file attached, which may be launched in any internet browser. A more detail description on the operation and management of the interactive tool is provided in the Tool User Manual.pdf document, as well as a video tutorial.


Steps to reproduce

The interactive tool REVIVA has been created as follows: Step 1. Gathering information on the building characterization of the public social housing stock in southern Spain. Step 2. Construction of energy simulation models at the building stock level, previously calibrated and validated. Step 3. Incorporation of energy retrofit strategies to improve thermal performance. Step 4. Obtaining optimized retrofit solutions through a multi-objective analysis based on the application of genetic algorithms, considering thermal comfort and economic criteria. Step 5. Exporting the obtained results and creating an interactive graphical viewer in *html format to guarantee free visualization.


Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid


Artificial Intelligence, Genetic Algorithm, Multi-Objective Optimization, Mediterranean Region, Economic Costs, Thermal Comfort, Building Retrofitting, Housing, Interactive Graphics
