Intracellular Ca2+ Homeostasis and Nuclear Export Mediate Exit from Naïve Pluripotency
Published: 14 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9mfp9n3j6p.1
Matthew MacDougallDescription
Data associated with the manuscript published in Cell Stem Cell: Intracellular Ca2+ Homeostasis and Nuclear Export Mediate Exit from Naïve Pluripotency Matthew S. MacDougall, Ryan Clarke, Bradley J. Merrill Included here: Data tables, R scripts, some imaging analysis(4E), and uncropped blot images Not included here for the sake of space: Micrographs and flow cytometry data
Steps to reproduce
Reproduction can be achieved with data tables included with the manuscript on the Cell Stem Cell website, raw sequencing data from SRA archive with the analysis package MAGeCK, and the R scripts and table included herein.
University of Illinois at Chicago
Microscopy, Stem Cell, Data Visualization, Screening, Nuclear Export, Calcium, Pluripotent Stem Cells, CRISPR/Cas9, Genome Editing, CRISPR