Data for: Environmentally mediated reproductive success predicts breeding dispersal decisions in an early successional amphibian
The data archived are occupancy data and capture-recapture data collected in a population of Bombina variegata over 9-years period. The file "multistate_data.txt" includes occupancy data. To investigate the influence of patch size and disturbance level on breeding occurrence, we used multistate occupancy models (Nichols et al. 2007, Gimenez et al. 2014). The data from the relevant two years of the breeding survey (2007 and 2008) was compiled in the same one dataset; one site therefore has two annual replicates with two detection occasions (July and August) each. The year was included in the model as a group effect. In the multistate model, we considered three states: a site could be unoccupied for breeding (U), occupied with non-effective reproduction (i.e. presence of eggs and larvae without metamorphosis success: L) or occupied with successful reproduction (i.e. presence of newly metamorphosed individuals: M). The observations (encoded in the txt file) were coded as undetected (0), eggs and/or larvae detected (1) and newly metamorphosed individuals detected (2). The file "data_2007-2008" includes capture-recapture data. The capture histoiries are encoded as following: for an individual captured at t and t–1, a code of 1 or 4 was attributed if it did not change patch and was in patch category s (small) or l (large) respectively, and a code of 2 or 5 was attributed if it did change patch and was in patch category s or l respectively. For an individual not captured at t–1 and captured at t in patch category s or l, a code of 3 or 6 was attributed respectively. An individual not captured at t was given a code of 0. The file "Croix_global_2000-2008_surface" includes capture-recapture data. The capture histoiries are encoded as following: for an individual captured at t and t–1, a code of 1 or 4 was attributed if it did not change patch and was in patch category l (low) or h (high) respectively, and a code of 2 or 5 was attributed if it did change patch and was in patch category l or h respectively. For an individual not captured at t–1 and captured at t in patch category l or h, a code of 3 or 6 was attributed respectively. An individual not captured at t was given a code of 0.