Suspended sediment and estuarine data measured in the magdalena river mouth durant stratified and turbid conditions

Published: 12 May 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9nsypnxxyy.1
Oscar Ospino-Olivares, Juan Restrepo, Ana Carolina Torregroza Espinosa, Silvio Ospino,
, Juan Molano-Mendoza, Yogesh Agrawal, Ole Mikkelsen


These data show measurements of suspended sediment concentration, particle size distribution, and estuarine characteristics in the water column of the Magdalena River mouth. Information was collected using a LISST-200X® (Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry - LISST) device. This optical device estimates the concentration of sediment (µl l-1) and the particle size distribution in 36 different class sizes (1 µm–500 µm) at a sampling rate of 1 Hz. The data collection was carried out approximately 3 km upstream of the Magdalena river mouth. It consisted of a period of 72 hours with the aim of encompassing various tidal cycles and different flow conditions. The depth was standardized using the ratio z/h (relative depth). Each file includes: relative depth and 36 columns with the particle size distribution (Files: Perfil 1 -Perfil 72). The VCT file contains the total concentration volume for the 72 profiles performed. Additionally, the salinity and the temperature were measured with a CastAway-CTD, employing a measurement rate of 4 Hz (Files: Density, Temperature and Salinity). Finally, water samples were also collected with a Niskin horizontal sampler to determine the organic matter content. These samples were collected every four hours at three different depths of the water column (surface, mid-layer, and bottom) and were preserved in amber glass bottles at 4 °C before being brought to the laboratory (File: MO).



Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del Norte, Sequoia, Universidad de la Costa Biblioteca


Estuarine Biogeochemistry, Grain Size, Sediment Analysis
