Published: 22 February 2023| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/9nvn27yw62.3


Folders contain the following data: 1. CRBeDaSet_Corner Images – image stereograms oriented on the building corners. 2. CRBeDaSet_E1 Images – set of 7 images for the elevation 1. 3. CRBeDaSet_E2 Images – set of 7 images for the elevation 2. 4. CRBeDaSet_E1 Images – set of 7 images for the elevation 3. 5. CRBeDaSet_E4 Images – set of 7 images for the elevation 4. Files contain the following data: 1. CRBeDaSet_ Description of folders and files. 2. CRBeDaSet_Elevations Images.pdf – View of the elevation: E1, E2, E3, E4, E1-E4, E2-E1, E3-E2, E4-E3. 3. CRBeDaSet_Images.pdf – Set of 36 digital images. 4. CRBeDaSet_Input Data & BBA Results.xlsx – Input data for digital processing and the bundle block adjustment, results of the bundle block adjustment:  Geodetic Control Network – Point coordinates of the geodetic control network and standard deviation,  Control & Check Points ¬– Coordinates of photogrammetric control points and check points, and standard deviation  Pixel Coordinates System – Point coordinates for bundle block adjustment in the Pictran B software and point coordinates for digital processing – Point coordinates in additional images for digital processing,  Image Coordinates System – Point coordinates in the image coordinates system without corrections (unrefined) for bundle block adjustment in the Pictran B software,  Simultaneous Calibration – Results of the bundle block adjustment with simultaneous DSLR Nikon D5100 camera calibration in the Pictran B software,  Elements of Exterior Orientation – Results (centers of projection and elements of rotation) of the bundle block adjustment in the Pictran B software,  New Points – New points coordinates and standard deviation computed in the bundle block adjustment. 5. CRBeDaSet_Signalized Points.pdf – Photo sketches of 50 signalized (artificial and natural) points on the elevation E1, E2, E3, E4. 6. Pictran B_74_3_74OP_50CP_1_3_614IP_0019_A1A2B1C1.koo (Pictran B file) – Coordinates of photogrammetric control points and check points, and standard deviation for the bundle block adjustment in the Pictran B software 7. Pictran B_74_3_74OP_50CP_1_3_614IP_0019_A1A2B1C1.lok (Pictran B file) – Point coordinates in the image coordinates system without corrections (unrefined) for the bundle block adjustment in the Pictran B software. 8. Pictran B_74_3_74OP_50CP_1_3_614IP_0019_A1A2B1C1.OUT (Pictran B file) – Results of the bundle block adjustment with simultaneous DSLR Nikon D5100 camera calibration in the Pictran B software. 9. CRBeDaSet_RAW_SCAN_stations.rar – CRBeDaSet_RAW_scan_stations.pts compressed with WinRAR. RAW scan stations data files. 10. CRBeDaSet_PC_merged.rar – CRBeDaSet_PC_merged.pts compressed with WinRAR. RAW scan stations merged using Leica Cyclone™ SCAN software. 11. CRBeDaSet_PC_merged_filtered.rar – CRBeDaSet_PC_merged_filtered.pts compressed with WinRAR. RAW scan stations merged and filtered using Leica Cyclone™ SCAN software. 12. remotesensing-15-01116.pdf - article


Steps to reproduce

The repository CRBeDaSet: is connected with the repository CRBeDaSet_tests: Description of how the data was gathered and how the dataset reproduces our research is described in the article: Gabara G, Sawicki P. CRBeDaSet: A Benchmark Dataset for High Accuracy Close Range 3D Object Reconstruction. Remote Sensing. 2023; 15(4):1116. Any scientific papers whose results are based on the CRBeDaSet test data must cite the following article: Bibtex: @Article{rs15041116, AUTHOR = {Gabara, Grzegorz and Sawicki, Piotr}, TITLE = {CRBeDaSet: A Benchmark Dataset for High Accuracy Close Range 3D Object Reconstruction}, JOURNAL = {Remote Sensing}, VOLUME = {15}, YEAR = {2023}, NUMBER = {4}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {1116}, URL = {}, ISSN = {2072-4292}, DOI = {10.3390/rs15041116} }


Politechnika Warszawska


Computer Vision, Photogrammetry
