Geochemical Dataset of laterite soils in Koubou Gold District (Zone A) East Cameroon: Implication for Identification of Gold Pathfinder Elements.
Published: 22 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9nx6ypbr5n.1
, Bokanda Ekoko eric, , , , Description
The data set is the geochemistry of laterite soil gotten from 55 different pits. The chemistry of the soils shows the presence of gold and other pathfinder elements in ppm. This work aim to use multivariate statistical analyses such as Pearson's correlation, principal component analyses, factor analyses and cluster analyses to identify the relationship between gold and other pathfinder elements. this relationship will help determine if the sources of the gold and the pathfinder elements are of the same origin or not.
University of Buea, Universite de Ngaoundere
Earth Sciences, Geology, Geochemistry