Data for: Highly varying radiogenic heat production in Finland, Fennoscandian Shield
Published: 27 November 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9pdf6hxwtg.1
, Description
The dataset presented here originates from the Rock Geochemical Database of Finland but has been filtered to include only the data necessary for our paper. For a detailed description, consult following references: Rasilainen, K., Lahtinen, R., Bornhorst, T.J., 2007. The Rock Geochemical Database of Finland Manual. Geological Survey of Finland, Report of Investigation 164, 38pp. Rasilainen, K., Lahtinen, R., Bornhorst, T.J., 2008. Chemical Characteristics of Finnish Bedrock – 1:1 000 000 Scale Bedrock Map Units. Geological Survey of Finland, Report of Investigation 171, 94pp.
Geology, Radioisotopes, Precambrian Era, Spatial Analysis