Older Adults Daily Activity and Risk of Falling in Spanish Care Facilities using Xiaomi Mi Band 2

Published: 19 March 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9ppr49cnzx.1


The variables selected were sex (male or female), age, care facility (nursing home or day center), marital status (widow, or not), body mass index (normal-weight, or over-weight), and the number of diagnoses from the medical record. The diagnoses most closely related to the risk of falling were selected and classified into the following groups: • Diagnoses of any of these physical conditions: osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, dizziness and giddiness, rheumatoid arthritis, abnormalities of gait and mobility, or multiple sclerosis • Diagnoses of any of these cognitive conditions: Alzheimer disease, dementia, or age-associated cognitive decline) • Diagnoses of other health conditions: hypertension, visual impairment, diabetes, or hearing loss Other variables included were the number of assistive aids (glasses, hearing aid, or anti-decubitus pillow), the number of mobility aids (cane or walker), number of falls in the last 12 months, and falls classification profile (non-fallers with any fall in the last 12 months, or faller with one or more falls in the last 12 months). There was obtained the most recent Barthel Index Score, Tinetti Index Score, and the presence or not of cognitive impairment. The EuroQol-5D-5L (EQ-5D-5L) . The first element consists of a descriptive system about five dimensions: mobility (walking problems), self-care (washing or dressing), usual activities (i.e., work, study, household chores, family activities or leisure time activities), pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression assess into (1) no problems, (2) slight problems, (3) moderate problems, (4) severe problems, (5) extreme problems/unable to [36]. The second element is a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) in which the person rates his/her perceived health from 0 (the worst imaginable health) to 100 (the best imaginable health). Finally, the third and fourth elements (the EQ-5D-5L Index and the Severity Index, respectively) are two indexes calculated from the descriptive system's scores. The participants were monitored for 30 days with the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 located in their dominant hand. The parameters obtained are the 30-day average based on the following variables: • Physical activity: analyzed through the number of daily steps and the daily distance covered by each participant in meters. Based on Tudor-Locke's study, <3000 steps indicated a low level of physical activity and, 3,000-10,000 steps indicated moderate physical activity level. • Sleep: analyzed in minutes in four different parameters (daily deep sleep, daily shallow sleep, daily total sleep, and awake time in bed during the night). Regarding the Sleep Foundation recommendation, was used as a reference of older adults' adequate sleep around 7-8 hours, which corresponds to 420-480 minutes per day.



CITIC Group, Universidade da Coruna - Campus de Oza


Activities of Daily Living, Physical Activity, Cognitive Impairment, Fall in the Elderly, Sleep, Quality of Life, Health Care Facility, Older Adult, Nursing Home, Fall History
