How to Leverage Big Data for Tourism Recovery

Published: 29 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/9py4k6sbtp.1
SH Hengky


Big data has the potential to improve tourism policies and management especially as it recovers from the pandemic, which hit the industry hard. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), global tourism suffered its worst year in 2020 with international arrivals down by 74% or about a billion less than in 2019. Revenue losses are estimated at $1.1 trillion. The crisis triggered by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) also put more than a hundred million tourism jobs at risk, particularly in small and medium-sized businesses. Asia and the Pacific was the first region to suffer the impact of COVID-19 and is the hardest hit so far with an 84% drop in international arrivals in 2020.

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Asian Development Bank


Tourism, Big Data, Application of Big Data
